Site Customisations

File location:
  • Bundled implementation: source/include/python/

  • Cluster implementation: cluster/core/include/python/

This folder will be mapped into the Docker container as /broapt/python/sites/. You may register your customised Python hooks in the file.

sites.HOOK: List[Callable[[str], Any]]

Registry for processing hooks.

Registered function should take the path to the folder of Bro logs as a single parameter, return values will be ignored. Such functions will be called on each Bro log folder generated from PCAP files.

sites.EXIT: List[Callable[[], Any]]

Registry for closing hooks.

Registered function should take NO parameters, return values will be ignored. Such functions will be called before the system exits.

Currently, we have integrated two sets of customised Python hooks, please see BroAPT-Core Extration Framework for more information.