BroAPT-Core Extration Framework =============================== The BroAPT-Core framework processes PCAP files, extracts files transferred through traffic contained in the PCAP files, and perform analysis to the log files generated by Bro scripts. .. image:: _image/BroAPT/BroAPT.006.png :alt: BroAPT-Core Extration Framework 0. When the BroAPT-Core framework first reads in a new PCAP file, it will validate if it's a valid |tcpdump|_ (:manpage:`tcpdump(1)`) format file, through |libmagic|_ (:manpage:`libmagic(3)`). 1. If validated, the BroAPT-Core framework will utilise the Bro IDS to perform analysis upon the PCAP file, extracting files and generating logs. When extracting, you may toggle through :doc:`environment variables ` to configure which MIME types and/or what application layer protocol files transferred with should be extracted. Also, site functions from user-defined Bro scripts will be loaded and executed at the same time. This step will produce extracted files and standard Bro logs, as well as extra artefacts elevated through the site functions. 2. Later, the BroAPT-Core framework will perform post-processing, a.k.a. cross-analysis, upon the logs generated in previous step. By default, the BroAPT-Core framework will gather connection information of the extracted files from the Bro logs (``files.log``). Some other analysis will also be performed as defined in the Python hooks. The result of analysis will be elevated as BroAPT logs. .. |tcpdump| replace:: ``tcpdump`` .. _tcpdump: .. |libmagic| replace:: ``libmagic`` .. _libmagic: ------------------ Custom Bro Scripts ------------------ In the BroAPT system, you can customise your own Bro script. The BroAPT-Core framework will load those scripts when running Bro IDS to process PCAP files. User defined Bro scripts will be mapped into the Docker container at runtime. The directory structure would be as following: .. code:: text /broapt/scripts/ │ # load FileExtraction module ├── __load__.bro │ # configurations ├── config.bro │ # MIME-extension mappings ├── file-extensions.bro │ # protocol hooks ├── hooks/ │ │ # extract DTLS │ ├── extract-dtls.bro │ │ # extract FTP_DATA │ ├── extract-ftp.bro │ │ # extract HTTP │ ├── extract-http.bro │ │ # extract IRC_DATA │ ├── extract-irc.bro │ │ # extract SMTP │ └── extract-smtp.bro │ # core logic ├── main.bro │ # MIME hooks │── plugins/ │ │ # extract all files │ ├── extract-all-files.bro │ │ # extract APK │ ├── extract-application-vnd-android-package-archive.bro │ │ # extract PDF │ ├── extract-application-pdf.bro │ │ # extract PE │ ├── extract-application-vnd-microsoft-portable-executable.bro │ │ # extract by BRO_MIME │ └── extract-white-list.bro │ # site functions by user └── sites/ │ # load site functions ├── __load__.bro └── ... where ``extract-application-vnd-android-package-archive.bro``, ``extract-application-pdf.bro`` and ``extract-application-vnd-microsoft-portable-executable.bro`` are Bro scripts generated automatically by the BroAPT-Core framework based on the :envvar:`BROAPT_LOAD_MIME` environment vairable. .. important:: The :envvar:`BROAPT_LOAD_MIME` supports UNIX *shell*-like pattern matching, c.f. |fnmatch|_ module from Python. .. |fnmatch| replace:: ``fnmatch`` .. _fnmatch: And ``/broapt/scripts/sites/`` are mapped from the host machine, which includes the Bro scripts defined by user. You may include your scripts into the BroAPT-Core framework by loading (``@load``) them in the ``/broapt/scripts/sites/__load__.bro`` file. At the moment, we have six sets of Bro scripts included in the distribution. Common Constants ---------------- In the BroAPT system, it predefines many constants of common protocols and systems, such as FTP commands, HTTP methods, etc. We used crawlers to fetch relevant data from the IANA registry, generate and/or update Bro constants, such as ``HTTP::header_names`` for HTTP headers fields. HTTP Cookies ------------ The script utilised |http_header|_ event, and extends the builtin ``http.log`` record object |HTTP.Info|_ with data from the ``COOKIE`` header. .. |http_header| replace:: ``http_header`` .. _http_header: .. |HTTP.Info| replace:: ``HTTP::Info`` .. _HTTP.Info: Unknown HTTP Headers -------------------- As defined in :rfc:`2616` and :rfc:`7230`, and registered in IANA, there're a list of known HTTP headers. However, customised headers may be introduced when implementation. Such unknown headers may contain significant information about the HTTP traffic. Therefore, the script utilised |http_header|_ event and search for unknown headers, i.e. not included in ``HTTP::header_names``, then record them in the ``http.log`` files. HTTP ``POST`` Data ------------------ As :rfc:`2616` suggests, we can utilise the data sent from ``POST`` command to analyse information about outbound traffic. The script utilised |http_entity_data|_ event, and save the ``POST`` data to ``http.log`` files. .. |http_entity_data| replace:: ``http_entity_data`` .. _http_entity_data: Calculate Hash Values --------------------- Hash value of files can be used to detect malware. The script utilised |file_new|_ event, calculated and saved the hash values of files transferred in the ``files.log`` file. .. |file_new| replace:: ``file_new`` .. _file_new: SMTP Phishing Detect -------------------- Since files transferred through SMTP traffic are not easy to gather and detect phishing information. We introduced two Bro modules to perform such detection on the SMTP traffic. A. |Phishing|_ Module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The |Phishing|_ module mainly provides mass scam emails; phishing email detection based on Levenshtein distance of sender address. It will elevate a ``phishing_link.log`` log file, containing such malicious connections and URLs. .. |Phishing| replace:: ``Phishing`` .. _Phishing: B. |Phish|_ Module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Primary scope of these bro policies is to give more insights into smtp-analysis esp to track phishing events. This is a subset of phish-analysis repo and doesn't use any backed ``postgres`` database. So relieves the user from ``postgres`` dependency while getting basic phishing detection up and running very quickly. .. |Phish| replace:: ``Phish`` .. _Phish: ------------------- Custom Python Hooks ------------------- In the BroAPT system, you can customise your own Python hooks for cross-analysis to the log files. The BroAPT-Core framework will call such registered hooks on each set of log files generacted from a PCAP file after processing of Bro. .. seealso:: Log analysis and generation can be done through the `ZLogging`_ project, which provides both loading and dumping interface to the processing of Bro logs in an elegant Pythonic way. .. _ZLogging: User defined Bro scripts will be mapped into the Docker container at runtime. The directory structure would be as following: .. code:: text /broapt/python/ │ # setup PYTHONPATH ├── │ # entry point ├── │ # config parser ├── │ # Bro script composer ├── │ # global constants ├── │ # Bro log parser ├── │ # BroAPT-Core logic ├── │ # multiprocessing support ├── │ # BroAPT-App logic ├── │ # Python hooks ├── sites │ │ # register hooks │ ├── │ └── ... │ # utility functions └── where ``/broapt/python/sites/`` is mapped from the host machine, which includes user-defined site customisation Python hooks. You can register your own hooks in the ``/broapt/python/sites/``, by importing (``import``) them and add them to the ``HOOK`` and/or ``EXIT`` registry lists. In the ``HOOK`` registry, each registered hook function will be called after a PCAP file is processed by the Bro IDS, and perform analysis on the logs generated from the PCAP file. .. note:: The hook function will be called with **ONE** argument, ``log_name``, a string (``str``) representing the folder name to the target logs. In the ``EXIT`` registry, each registered hook function will be called before the main process of the BroAPT-Core framework exits. .. note:: The hook function will be called with **NO** argument. At the moment, we have bundled two sets of Python hooks in the system. Extracted File Information -------------------------- Through ``conn.log`` and ``files.log``, the BroAPT system generates a new log file for information of extracted files, which includes the timestamp, source and destination IP addresses of the transport layer connection (TCP/UDP) transferring the file, MIME type of the file, as well as hash values, see below: ================== ========== ===================================================== Field Name Bro Type Description ================== ========== ===================================================== ``timestamp`` ``float`` Connection timestamp ``log_uuid`` ``string`` UUID of source logs ``log_path`` ``string`` Absolute path to source logs (in Docker container) ``log_name`` ``string`` Relative path to source logs ``dump_path`` ``string`` Absolute path to extracted file (in Docker container) ``local_name`` ``string`` Relative path to extracted file ``source_name`` ``string`` Original filename (if present) ``hosts`` ``vector`` Transferrer and receiver ``conns`` ``vector`` Source and destination IP addresses and ports ``bro_mime_type`` ``string`` MIME type probed by Bro IDS ``real_mime_type`` ``string`` MIME type detected by ``libmagic`` ``hash`` ``table`` Hash values (MD5, SHA1 and SHA256) ================== ========== ===================================================== The equivalent `ZLogging data model`_ can be declared as following: .. code:: python class ExtractedFiles(Model): timestamp = FloatType() log_uuid = StringType() log_path = StringType() dump_path = StringType() local_name = StringType() source_name = StringType() hosts = VectorType(element_type=RecordType( tx=AddrType(), rx=AddrType(), )) conns = VectorType(element_type=RecordType( src_h=AddrType(), src_p=PortType(), dst_h=AddrType(), dst_p=PortType(), )) bro_mime_type = StringType() real_mime_type = StringType() hash = RecordType( md5=StringType(), sha1=StringType(), sha256=StringType(), ) .. _ZLogging data model: HTTP Connection Information --------------------------- Through analysis upon ``http.log``, the BroAPT system elevated a new log file with more concentrated information about HTTP connections. Such log file contains all HTTP connections from every processed PCAP file, and can be used for further analysis based on *big data*. ============ ========== ======================================================= Field Name Bro Type Description ============ ========== ======================================================= ``srcip`` ``addr`` Client IP address ``ts`` ``float`` Request timestamp (microseconds) ``url`` ``string`` Requests URL path ``ref`` ``string`` ``Referer`` header of the request (*base64* encoded) ``ua`` ``string`` ``User-Agent`` header of the request (*base64* encoded) ``dstip`` ``addr`` Server IP address ``cookie`` ``string`` ``Cookie`` header of the request (*base64* encoded) ``src_port`` ``port`` Client port ``json`` ``vector`` Unregistered HTTP header fields (*JSON* encoded) ``method`` ``string`` HTTP method ``body`` ``string`` ``POST`` body data (*base64* encoded) ============ ========== ======================================================= The equivalent `ZLogging data model`_ can be declared as following (with type annotations): .. code:: python class HTTPConnections(Model): srcip: bro_addr ts: bro_float url: bro_string ref: bro_string ua: bro_string dstip: bro_addr cookie: bro_string src_port: bro_port json: bro_vector[bro_string] method: bro_string body: bro_string