----------------- Detection Process ----------------- :File location: * Bundled implementation: ``source/server/python/process.py`` * Cluster implementation: ``cluster/daemon/python/process.py`` .. function:: process.process(info: INFO) Process extracted files with detection information. :param INFO info: File to be processed. :return: If detection process exit on success. :rtype: bool .. function:: process.make_env(info: INFO) Generate a dictionary of environment variables based on request information. :param INFO info: Detection request information. :rtype: Dict[str, Any] .. function:: process.make_cwd(info: INFO) Generate the working directory of detection information. :param INFO info: Detection request information. :return: Path to the working directory. :rtype: str .. function:: process.init(info: INFO) Run the initialisation commands of detection information. :param INFO info: Detection request information. :return: Exit code (:data:`const.EXIT_SUCCESS` or :data:`const.EXIT_FAILURE`). :rtype: int .. function:: process.run(command: Union[str, List[str]], info: INFO, file: str = 'unknown') Run command with provided settings. :param command: Command to execute. :type command: Union[str, List[str]] :param INFO info: Detection request information. :param str file: Stem of output log file. :return: Exit code (:data:`const.EXIT_SUCCESS` or :data:`const.EXIT_FAILURE`). :rtype: int