---------------- Common Constants ---------------- :File location: * Bundled implementation: ``source/client/python/const.py`` * Cluster implementation: ``cluster/core/source/python/const.py`` .. data:: const.ROOT :type: ``str`` Path to the BroAPT-Core framework source codes (absolute path at runtime). .. data:: const.BOOLEAN_STATES :value: {'1': True, '0': False, 'yes': True, 'no': False, 'true': True, 'false': False, 'on': True, 'off': False} Mapping of boolean states, c.f. |configparser|_. .. |configparser| replace:: ``configparser`` .. _configparser: https://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html .. data:: const.CPU_CNT :type: ``int`` :environ: :envvar:`BROAPT_CPU` Number of BroAPT concurrent processes for PCAP analysis. If not provided, then the number of system CPUs will be used. .. data:: const.INTERVAL :type: ``float`` :environ: * Bundled implementation: :envvar:`BROAPT_INTERVAL` * Cluster implementation: :envvar:`BROAPT_CORE_INTERVAL` Wait interval after processing current pool of PCAP files. .. data:: const.DUMP_PATH :type: ``str`` (path) :environ: :envvar:`BROAPT_DUMP_PATH` Path to extracted files. .. data:: const.PCAP_PATH :type: ``str`` (path) :environ: :envvar:`BROAPT_PCAP_PATH` Path to source PCAP files. .. data:: const.LOGS_PATH :type: ``str`` (path) :environ: :envvar:`BROAPT_LOGS_PATH` Path to system logs. .. data:: const.MIME_MODE :type: ``bool`` :environ: :envvar:`BROAPT_MIME_MODE` If group extracted files by MIME type. .. data:: const.BARE_MODE :type: ``bool`` :environ: :envvar:`BROAPT_BARE_MODE` Run Bro in bare mode (don't load scripts from the ``base/`` directory). .. data:: const.NO_CHKSUM :type: ``bool`` :environ: :envvar:`BROAPT_NO_CHKSUM` Ignore checksums of packets in PCAP files when running Bro. .. data:: const.HOOK_CPU :type: ``int`` :environ: :envvar:`BROAPT_HOOK_CPU` Number of BroAPT concurrent processes for Python hooks. .. data:: const.FILE :type: ``str`` .. code:: python os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, 'file.log') Path to file system database of processed PCAP files. .. data:: const.TIME :type: ``str`` .. code:: python os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, 'time.log') Path to log file of processing time records. .. data:: const.STDOUT :type: ``str`` .. code:: python os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, 'stdout.log') Path to ``stdout`` *replica*. .. data:: const.STDERR :type: ``str`` .. code:: python os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, 'stderr.log') Path to ``stderr`` *replica*. .. data:: const.QUEUE_LOGS :type: ``multiprocessing.Queue`` :availability: bundled implementation Teleprocess communication queue for log processing. .. data:: const.QUEUE :type: ``multiprocessing.Queue`` :availability: cluster implementation .. seealso:: :data:`const.QUEUE_LOGS`