---------------- Remote Detection ---------------- :File location: * Bundled implementation: ``source/client/python/scan.py`` * Cluster implementation: ``cluster/app/source/python/remote.py`` Bundled Implementation ---------------------- .. function:: scan.remote(entry: Entry, mime: str, api: API) :availability: bundled implementation Request the BroAPT-Daemon server to perform *remote* detection. :param Entry entry: Extracted file to be processed. :param str mime: MIME type. :param API api: API entry from ``api.yml``. :return: Exit code (:data:`const.EXIT_SUCCESS` or :data:`const.EXIT_FAILURE`). :rtype: int Cluster Implementation ---------------------- .. function:: remote.remote(entry: Entry, mime: str, api: API) :availability: cluster implementation .. seealso:: :func:`scan.remote`